Podcast & Radio Interviews
Guest Interview on CBC Radio Fresh Air with Ismaila Alfa (Aug 2024)​​
Guest Interview on CBC Radio In Town and Out with Giacomo Panico (Aug 2024)
Guest Interview on CBC Radio North by Northwest with Margaret Gallagher (Aug 2024)
Guest Interview on CBC Radio All in a Weekend with Sonali Karnick (Aug 2024)
Guest Interview on CBC Radio The Signal with Adam Walsh (July 2024)
Guest Interview on LAF (Living Alcohol Free) Life (June 2024)
Guest Interview on Today's Dream, Tomorrow's Reality by Vickie Poole (Feb 2024)
Guest Interview on Soulful Abundance by Christine Williams (Nov 2023)
Guest Interview on Sober Yoga Girl by Alex McRobert (Aug 2023)
Guest Interview on Sober Stories by Beth Bowen (June 2023)
Guest Interview on Sober Motivation by Brad McLeod (June 2023)
Guest Interview on Treebud Academy by Brian Leung (May 2023)
Guest Interview on Hot + Brave by Bianca Sprague (March 2023)
Guest Interview on CLEARHEADED by Cait Madry (Feb 2023)
Guest Interview on Done With Debauchery by Keisha Scott Part II (Dec 2022)
Guest Interview on Queerly Beloved by Wil Fisher (Nov 2022)
Guest Interview on Done With Debauchery by Keisha Scott (Nov 2022)
Guest Interview on All Things Substance by Betsy Byler (Nov 2022)
Guest Interview on Beyond Belief Sobriety by John Sheldon (Oct 2022)
Guest Interview on Decidedly Dry by Jess Steitzer (July 2022)
Guest Interview on Hot + Brave, the Podcast by bebo mia, hosted by Bianca Sprague (June 2022)
Guest Interview on Clear and Present by Bryen Fulcher (June 2022)
Guest Interview on Recovery Elevator by Paul Churchill, interviewed by Odette Cressler (June 2022)
Guest Interview on Show Up and Stay by DeAnn Knighton (April 2022)
Guest Interview on Subject Matters Pros: The Podcast by Kunal Desai (March 2022)
Guest Interview on The Other Side of Hell Podcast by Will Jorensen and Cameron Jackson (March 2022)
Guest Interview on The Weekend Sober Podcast by Kim Kearns and Catherine O'Brien (Feb 2022)
Guest Interview on The Yoga of Motherhood Podcast by Melissa Kushnaryov (Nov 2021)
Guest Interview on the Sobriety.Matters Podcast by Dusty Koekenberg (Nov 2021)
Guest Interview on Inspiring Insights webinar by Reawaken Co. (Jan 2021)
Guest Interview on Bend: The Podcast, co-founded by Lillian Gudmundsson & Deb McGuire (Nov 2020)
Guest Interview on After Alcohol podcast by Rise Revolution, co-founded by Leanne Franks & Leisa Leon (Oct 2020)
Guest Interview on The Dry Life podcast by Kayla Lyons, founder of 1000 Hours Dry (Sept 2020)
Guest Interview on The After Party: A Podcast about Sobriety, by The Sober Kates (July 2020)
Guest Interview on Try, Fail, Succeed podcast with Justyna St. James (July 2020)
Guest Interview on Inspired Living podcast with Meg Casten (July 2020)
Guest Interview on Live Coffee Talk with Michelle Kuei on Sobriety (May 2020)
Guest Interview on The Wellness Entrepreneur podcast with Kirsty Kianifard (October 2019)
Guest Interview on Sobriety Corps podcast with Kim Palombo (October 2019)
Guest Interview on Power Up Your Performance podcast with Kim Peek (July 2019)
Guest Interview on My Gratitude Attitude podcast with Lindsay Lesage (July 2019)
If you host a podcast and think I would be a great guest for it, please reach out to me directly at helloholandwell@gmail.com to discuss. Thank you!